Meu vicio atual...devo confessar a minha ignorância,pois mesmo esse álbum sendo de 2003,eu nunca tinha ouvido falar nesses caras...e po...o som dos caras é muito foda!!! Devem fazer uns 2 dias mais ou menos que to escutando esse cd(sem axagero)...ouve ai!!!

01. E-Tro
02. Can't Stop
03. The Hype
04. Where Would You Be
05. Can We Have Your Attention
06. Late Show
07. Waiting Room
08. Relax Today
09. Life Is A Struggle
10. That Feeling
11. Respect Life
12. No More Worries
13. Levetation / Goodnight
14. Outro
15. Where Would You Be (Remix)
16. Take it to the Next
17. Life is A Struggle (Remix)

01. E-Tro
02. Can't Stop
03. The Hype
04. Where Would You Be
05. Can We Have Your Attention
06. Late Show
07. Waiting Room
08. Relax Today
09. Life Is A Struggle
10. That Feeling
11. Respect Life
12. No More Worries
13. Levetation / Goodnight
14. Outro
15. Where Would You Be (Remix)
16. Take it to the Next
17. Life is A Struggle (Remix)
quando o pc deu pau.
quando vi no seu blog quase tive um treco